Amica Chips celebrates friendship with Amica trasparente and Gigi Buffon.

Amica Chips and Gigi Buffon. Once again together, once again on TV. After the ad dedicated to Eldorada, one dedicated to Amica Trasparente, one of the great classics from Amica Chips great classics, will be on air from 12 February. The integrated campaign was created by Max Information (Armando Testa Group). Amica Chips pays homage once again to friendship, a symbolic value of the brand and Supergigi embodies this perfectly:  a great champion, famous not only for his talent, but above all for his great loyalty. Because you know, he is truly someone you can trust.

“Friendship is an important value and potato chips go with it perfectly. They add colour and fun, they are joyful, and give more flavour to the moments enjoyed together with the people we love.  I am certainly not neutral, but I believe that can potato chips can really conjure up happiness in everyone,” explains Alfredo Moratti, co-founder of the Amica Chips brand.

“Buffon is the best representation of important values such as humility, commitment and trust.  Everything that forms part of Amica Trasparente’s DNA more than any other product. That’s why there’s no one better than Supergigi who could be our ambassador.” adds Andrea Romanò, vice-president of the brand.

So the captain of the National Football will be the protagonist of the new campaign on all media:  on TV, in the press, on radio and on the web. We will see Gigi, trying to enjoy his chips but just opening a pack of Amica Chips is enough to arouse a desire for everyone to get together. Amica Chips Trasparente is really “La patatina con un sacco di amici intorno.” (The potato chip with a pack of friends all around it) to such an extent that it will be really impossible for Buffon to enjoy them in peace and quiet at home.